
  • Moh Dede
  • Galuh Putri Pramulatsih
  • Millary Agung Widiawaty
  • Yanuar Rizky Rizky Ramadhan
  • Amniar Ati


kerapatan vegetasi, Kota Cirebon, penginderaan jauh, suhu permukaan


Increasing air temperature is the effects of global warming and vegetation reduced. In the urban area, significant increasing of air temperature rises urban heat island phenomenon which in the long term is able to change the microclimate. Estimation of land surface temperature (LST) and vegetation greenness are obtained from multi-temporal remote sensing satellite data. This study aims to analyze the dynamics of LST and vegetation greenness in Cirebon City. This study utilizes Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-8 OLI imagery data which are validated with MODIS data in 1998, 2008 and 2018. The LST value extracted using the radiative transfer equation, while vegetation density information is obtained by normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The interaction between LST and vegetation greenness is known through spatial correlation analysis. During 1998 to 2018, LST is increased of 1.18 oC, while high greenness vegetation area decreased reach 12.683 km2. This study also showed a significant negative correlation between LST and vegetation greenness in Cirebon City. The highest of LST distribution is concentrated in CBD, harbor, traffic jam zone, industrial estates, and terminals. Based on this study, the effort of LST management in the city needs the provision of green open space, green belt, and reforestation


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How to Cite

Dede, M., Pramulatsih, G. P., Widiawaty, M. A., Ramadhan, Y. R. R., & Ati, A. (2019). DINAMIKA SUHU PERMUKAAN DAN KERAPATAN VEGETASI DI KOTA CIREBON. Jurnal Meteorologi Klimatologi Dan Geofisika, 6(1), 23–31. Retrieved from https://jurnal.stmkg.ac.id/index.php/jmkg/article/view/111