
  • Dina Fitriana
  • Nadya Oktaviani
  • Isna Uswatun Khasanah


sea tides, admiralty, geospasial, vertical references


Sea tides are a phenomenon of rising and falling sea levels on the earth due to the influence of space objects, especially the sun and the moon. Observation of sea tides is very important in determining vertical references, to unite measurement data at sea and on land so that they can be translated into a single mapping system. Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country in the world which has a sea area of  3.25 million km2 from 7.81 million km2 of the total area of Indonesia, should have tidal stations that are spread evenly throughout Indonesia. Placement of the station must also be right location because each waters has its own characteristics. The Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) manages 138 tidal stations (tidal) distributed throughout Indonesia. The tidal station is generally placed in the dock / port, so that the distance between tidal stations adjusts the availability of existing docks. In this study a tidal harmonic analysis was carried out using the admiralty method at BIG tide stations with less than 50 km distance between stations, assuming the tidal type in the adjacent location was the same. The research location is the Ulee Lhue tide station compared to the Malahayati tide station, Pel. Ciwandan compared to Serang tidal station, Sunda Kelapa tide station compared to Pondok Dayung, and Pameungpeuk compared to Pamayangsari tidal station. The results of the study showed that the harmonic analysis and tidal type of the location were the same.


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How to Cite

Fitriana, D., Oktaviani, N., & Khasanah, I. U. (2019). ANALISA HARMONIK PASANG SURUT DENGAN METODE ADMIRALTY PADA STASIUN BERJARAK KURANG DARI 50 KM. Jurnal Meteorologi Klimatologi Dan Geofisika, 6(1), 38–48. Retrieved from