
  • Lisa Agustina
  • Presli Panusunan Simanjuntak
  • Aulia Nisa’ul Khoir


CH4, CO2, Meteorology Parameter


The Special Capital Region of Jakarta is the center of government and economy in Indonesia. The rapid activity certainly causes pollutants that cause air pollution, where some of the parameters are CO2 and CH4. Increasing number of pollutants will endanger the environment, especially human health. An overview of meteorological parameters is very important, because it affects the level of CO2 and CH4 concentrations in atmosphere. Therefore, it’s necessary to analyze the relationship between meteorological parameters with CO2 and CH4 concentrations in DKI Jakarta. The method used in this research is descriptive statistical to see the temporal distribution of CO2 and CH4 pollutants to time and its relationship with meteorological parameters (temperature, humidity, rainfall and wind speed). The observation location is located at the Central BMKG, Kemayoran. The data period used is 2008-2017. The results of this data processing showed the highest CO2 concentration in the MAM period and the lowest in the JJA period. The CH4 concentration is highest in the DJF period and the lowest in the JJA period. High atmospheric stability and low wind speed and little rainfall that causes high concentrations of CO2 and CH4 at the observation location. Statistical calculations illustrate the contribution of contributions in producing the average concentration of pollutants. Wind speed causes a decrease in CO2 concentration of 83%, and 17% due to other factors. Rainfall factor of 45% affects the decrease in CH4 concentration in Kemayoran. 45% of the moisture factor also affects the concentration of CH4. So an increase in CH4 concentration by rainfall and humidity factors, and other related factors. Decrease in CH4 concentration at wind speed by 44%, and by 56% is determined by other factors.


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How to Cite

Agustina, L., Simanjuntak, P. P., & Khoir, A. N. (2019). PENGARUH PARAMETER METEOROLOGI TERHADAP KONSENTRASI CO2 DAN CH4 DI DKI JAKARTA. Jurnal Meteorologi Klimatologi Dan Geofisika, 6(2), 30–38. Retrieved from