
  • Anistia M Hidayat
  • Diar Aofany
  • Dinda R Arfianti
  • Imma Redha Nugraheni
  • Abdullah Ali


flood, torrential rain, nowcasting, RTR, SRI


Palembang is one of flood prone-areas in Indonesia. Twenty-four cases of flood have recorded during 2017–2018 and have tendency to increase throughout the year starting from 1972. Regarding to this issue, we consider a novel approach on utilizing Rain Tracking (RTR) product to estimate the intensity and distribution of rainfall fields in near-future (nowcasting). The synoptic report of Meteorological Station Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang showed that torrential rain occured in November 12th 2019, around 14.00-18.00 UTC. Analysis of CAPPI and SSA products shows a pattern of convective cloud distribution with maximum reflectivity in its storm core reach up to 58 dBZ, spread over research sites at 16.10 UTC and considered as mature stage. MLVCUT (dBZ) analysis on the mature stage shows that the maximum reflectivity value is 48 dBZ with peak reach up to 6,15 km. While, analysis on the VVP products shows strong updraft pattern with maximum velocity of 9,25 m/s and strong downdraft reach up to -8,27 m/s. Prediction of the intensity and rainfall fields distribution using RTR product shows a good approximation compared to the observed rainfall intensity measured by ARG, with absolute deviation values ranges between 1.24 – 14.76 mm/hour. While, the difference in rainfall intensity between SRI and ARG products relatively has larger deviation, ranges between 0.92 - 24.53 mm/hour.


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How to Cite

Hidayat, A. M., Aofany, D., Arfianti, D. R., Nugraheni, I. R., & Ali, A. (2019). A RADAR-BASED RAIN RATE PREDICTION USING RTR NOWCASTING PRODUCT COMPARED TO RAINFALL ESTIMATION PRODUCT OF SRI ON FLOOD EVENT ACROSS PALEMBANG ON 12 - 13 NOVEMBER 2018. Jurnal Meteorologi Klimatologi Dan Geofisika, 6(1), 1–12. Retrieved from https://jurnal.stmkg.ac.id/index.php/jmkg/article/view/109